I now know why my parents let me have a party every other year. It is so hard to plan a party and make sure all goes well. This year Steve and I decided to let Ethan have a birthday party and I think everyone went home satisfied. Since Ethan is so into the Avengers this year we had the party theme be 'The Avengers'. I was able to put together three games for the party that were super hero related and I think the games were a lot of fun. Here are some pictures from the party.
The cool Avengers cupcakes that Kandice brought for Ethan's party. Thanks Kandice, they were very cute and very yummy!!!!!
Parker playing while we wait for all the guests to arrive.
Captain Sloane America
Everyone got to choose a mask from the Avengers group. Captain America was very popular with both the boys and girls.
The kids playing on the play ground while we wait for a few other friends.
Our first game was a potato sack race, which Steve and I changed the name to 'Super Hero Sack Race'.
Here's the video of the entire race. Watch if you can. I think it's hilarious.
Parker taking his turn with the second game- 'Pin the Star on the Shield'.
Bracken on his turn.
Madison trying to pin her star on the shield. She is such a wonderful girl!!
We had pizza for lunch and followed it with yummy cupcakes.
Opening his cool gifts he got from his wonderful friends!!
Ethan checking out his new Captain America with a motorcycle. Everyone was interested in that!
Daisy enjoy her pizza and soda! She was in here own world for most of the party and really enjoyed herself.
Our final game was a three legged race, which was renamed to 'Super Hero-Side kick'.
Note: Sorry about my loud voice.