Easter weekend turned out to be a great holiday weekend for our family! The weekend before Sharifa and the kids went up to her parents house and enjoyed having a early egg hunt up there. The kids really enjoyed spending time with their McClaskey Grandparents. The Friday before Easter we spent at the Phillips' coloring eggs and going on egg hunts to find treats from the grandparents! We really enjoyed spending time with our family and are so grateful to have them in our lives! Easter season reminds us of the gift we've been given by the Savior and we are so grateful for all that he has done for us! We are so grateful for the Atonement that makes it so that we can return to live with our father again and that Christ was willing to died for us! This shows us how much he loves us and we are such so awed by all the love that he gives us!!! We hope that you all had a great holiday with you wonderful little families! Here are some pictures of our wonderful holiday season!
Ethan coloring his first egg of the year!
Daisy enjoying the egg coloring time!
Ethan drinking the egg water! What a crazy little boy!!?
Ethan with the finished product
Daisy with the finished product.
Our two beautiful children!
Daisy getting started on her egg hunt!
Daisy with her first egg!
Picking up another egg
Daisy can't decide whether to keep the egg of put it in the basket!
Daisy done and enjoying the rest in the sun!
The kids enjoying some time together in the sun!
Ethan finding his first egg!
Finding another egg!!
Ethan finding his last egg. I see London, I see France, I see Ethan's underpants!! HA! HA! HA!
Ethan enjoying some candy from his Grandparents
("Thank you Grandma Colleen and Grandpa Mike!")
Daisy watching Ethan with his basket!
Ethan checking out Daisy candy basket!